The project "Knowledge Transfer Regarding the Energy Efficiency Increase and Intelligent Power Systems" (acronym CRESC-INTEL) was financed under the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020, Priority Axis 1 – Research, Technological Development and Innovation (RD&I) to Support Economic Competitiveness and Business Development. Action 1.2.3, Project type: Partnerships for Knowledge Transfer.

The project main objective is to increase the knowledge and staff transfer between "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galați and interested enterprises from the Electric domain. The project assumes to create partnerships between "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galați and companies interested to acquire knowledge regarding the energy efficiency increase and intelligent power systems. Thus, we had delivered a technical and economical competitive solution for an intelligent Active Power Filter (FAP).


The project started at September 1st 2016, and fulfilled at 31st of August 2022. The following specific objectives and results are obtained:

Specific objective 1: Achievement of knowledge transfer on energy efficiency increase and intelligent power systems between "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galati and interested enterprises performed through direct assistance, thematic events and individual meetings with the interested enterprises.

The main result associated with this specific objective was a number of 12 contracts with enterprises, of which 7 SMEs.

Specific Objective 2: Stimulate the access for interested enterprises to facilities, installations and equipment of the University in order to carry out analyses, tests and experiments for the development of the industrial prototype - Active Power Filter (FAP).

The fulfilled result for this specific objective is a number of 7 contracts implemented with enterprises for access to the research facilities, of which 7 SMEs (5 contracts for access to infrastructure / laboratories / CD equipment, and 3 contracts for access to technical-scientific databases and libraries).

Specific Objective 3: Carrying out the industrial research and experimental development activities by the University in an effective collaboration with a number of 7 enterprises having as results developing 8 technical and economical competitive solutions for an intelligent Active Power Filter (FAP).

The main results associated with this specific objective are: a number of 7 contracts implemented in collaboration with enterprises, of which 7 SMEs; a number of 7 contracts with companies that have requested support for the introduction of new products on the market; a number of 25 scientific publications with companies as a result of contracts; 2 patents application.




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